Understanding The Porn Industry

Think about it: the porn industry is really society's only sexual education, aside from the fear-based programming we get in K-12 school. Where is the education to expand our sexual expression as an art form and inspiration for life?

To establish a pathway for releasing guilt around witnessing sex, we must first understand the porn industry, as it is the primary way most people watch sex.

Pornography's scandalous reputation is not unfounded. While watching sexual content isn't inherently detrimental, research from major institutions and countless personal stories reveal that the porn industry is often harmful to both performers and consumers.

This doesn't mean that all video productions within the porn industry are harmful, though our perspective is that much of it is. Most pornography portrays sex as a directed performance focusing on men's pleasure while neglecting women's needs. Actors and actresses aim to stimulate viewers with exaggerated body language, moans, and positions that can be uncomfortable or even traumatic. Drugs are often used to enhance performance and endure the long hours of filming, creating a disconnect from their bodies, intimacy, and empathy with themselves and their partners. Additionally, when sex becomes a job, the necessity to perform to make money often creates traumatic emotions. Actors often repress and compartmentalize these emotions, which is highly unhealthy both for the performers and consumers witnessing.

GoodFix is not part of the porn industry! Despite the industry's issues, researchers have found that viewing authentic erotic expression can increase wellness, sexual satisfaction, and inspiration, especially when accompanied by an intentional self-pleasure practice. At GoodFix, we showcase highly expressive sexual art through authentic, committed, and loving relationships. Our models practice PolyTantric Alchemy, which helps release stored trauma and repressed emotions from the body. We practice ethical non-monogamy, an authentic alternative relationship style found in society. We extend our advanced sexual expression and self-pleasure practices as sexual education and a pathway for wellness and vitality.

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